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Elizabeth City State University Khan PlanetariumElizabeth City State University Khan Planetarium

Elizabeth City State University Khan Planetarium

On the corner of Southern Avenue & Hoffler Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909


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Come see and hear exotic tales about astronomy, journey through our home galaxy, and experience the wonders of the heavens from the Elizabeth City State University campus!

All shows are free, but are by reservation only. Please contact us ahead of time at

You may call 252-335-3SKY (252-335-3759) or email Khan Planetarium Director James Reynolds: [email protected]

The Elizabeth City State University Khan Planetarium's DigiStar Theater is unique in North Carolina and the Tidewater region. The 60-seat DigiStar 6-equipped Khan Planetarium provides excellent educational (& entertaining) resources for the entire region. 

The Star Theater provides complete 180º x 360º real-time digital video delivery using stunning graphics & audio on a thirty-foot dome screen using North Carolina's only DigiStar 6 high resolution multi-media projection system combined with surround sound audio.  The newly installed DigiStar 6 projection system includes a built-in cloud capability that allows for the system to connect to other DigiStar system's science data repositories around the planet. This capability will ensure that there is always something new and interesting to experience at Elizabeth City State University’s Kahn Planetarium. The DigiStar 6 system can also "push" out shows to available remote locations (such as classrooms) as well.

The mission of the Khan Planetarium is to support the University's mission by serving as a community outreach program and academic support unit that provides educational programming (PK-College level) to ECSU students and faculty, regional schools and the community at large.The Khan Planetarium at Elizabeth City State University has been in operation since 1990 and is open to the faculty, staff and students of Elizabeth City State University, as well as the community and students of the surrounding 21-county school systems.


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